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Home Buyers

There's more to buying a home than just arranging finance

Are you an aspiring home buyer? Confused and not sure where to start? Welcome Home Financial Advice can help you cut through the financial jargon and understand exactly how to turn that home dream into a reality. 

Unlike other companies that only want to speak to people who are ready to take out a loan and find the property of their dreams, we like to meet with people as soon as they start thinking about buying their own home. Sure, it means it can take longer before we're paid by the bank for arranging your loan. The benefit our clients see in having the right plan in place makes it more than worth it though for us to wait that little bit longer. The right plan, started early enough means we can show our clients: 

  • How to use their superannuation to assist them own a home

  • What government grants they have access to that can save tens of thousands of dollars on their property purchase

  • How they can manage their finances in the months leading up to applying for loans to give them the best chance of approval

  • When they should be worried about the 'advice' they are receiving from the people who are trying to sell them a property

  • Who they need in their group of "trusted advisers" to ensure the first property purchase is a success. 

The right home purchase can often be the biggest determining factor to your long term wealth. Why risk only getting advice on what loan to go for when you can put a plan in place to not just buy a home, but plan to own it - while enjoying all the rest that life has to offer.


All strategies and information provided on this website are general advice only which does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. Please arrange an appointment to seek personal financial and taxation advice prior to acting on this information. Every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct and clearly expressed information possible within this site. Nonetheless, inadvertent errors can occur and applicable laws, rules and regulations may change. Any opinion provided on this website is the opinion of Mitchell Johnston and do not represent the opinions of Bluewater Financial Advisors, Vow Financial or any other person or company. 

Welcome Home Financial Group Pty Ltd ACN 614 198 122  is a corporate authorised representative of Bluewater Financial Advisors Pty Ltd (CAR1247584) Welcome Home Financial Group Authorised Credit Representative Number 506082 is authorised under Vow Financial Pty Ltd ACN 138 789 161 Australian Credit Licence 390261. Welcome Home Financial Advice in a corporate authorised tax (financial) adviser registration number 25780831

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